Thursday, November 19, 2015

OSW part 2!

If you've been in the cardmaking world a while, you've probably heard of the One Sheet Wonder (or OSW).  Its really a fantastic use of paper, and it still allows you to make cards that are unique in their own ways.  Here is a peek at the cards I made using the Merry Moments Designer Series Paper.  These are perfect for a new card maker (which I am!), since everything is laid out for you.  Read about it here

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

OSW part 1

Howdy!  I'm starting off this blog with a (short) post about my background in the arts of cardmaking and crafting.  Which is like, 4 sentences long.  Ain't no room at this table, sir!

Saturday, November 14, 2015


As I sit here for the umpteenth time trying to get the social media linky thing to work, I have to admit to myself that this blogging thing ain't for the faint of heart.  So I'll stick with the stuff I (kind of) know how to do, like adding pretty pictures. 
South Haven, Michigan 2014
My husband and I went biking, got lost, and found this nice field.

Anyway, I'll introduce myself.  Hi.  I'm Rebecca.  Wife, mom, crafter, serious sweet tooth, and lover of all things natural and pretty.  Nice to meet you.